A carpenter is only as good as his tools.

This page contains several of the most important resources, tools and documents in the NetWorkWise arsenal, intended for members of the NetWorkWise community and those who are serious about re-imagining their relationship with the world through networking.

Learn Your NetWorkWise Networking IQ Score

Discover your networking prowess – it only takes 5 minutes!

What Will You Lose Without the Right Networking Skills?

How much will you lose financially if you are no longer working? Or if you don’t get a promotion?

These calculators show you the exact amount of money you stand to lose when you’re not given that raise or when your career takes an unexpected turn for the worse and you’re unemployed. By enrolling in our courses and adopting best networking practices, you will develop the skills needed to shorten the time you’re out of a job and effective ways to communicate at work to advance your career – saving you from financial uncertainty.


NetWorkWise Tools for Download

The following are tools and documents available for download, all created by NetWorkWise to educate you in the science and art of networking to help bring your relationship skills to the next level.

It’s not what you know, but who you know – and you know so much more than you realize.

Adam’s patented “Sphere of Influence” is a significant breakthrough in the world of networking. It’s a tool that you can use not only to build connections with new people, but also to strengthen existing relationships. Spend just a few minutes in the Sphere of Influence focusing on one person that you know, and you’ll be amazed at how far that one relationship can take you.

The Sphere of Influence is compatible on both Windows and Mac operating systems. Click on the excel files below to download it and begin revolutionizing the way you think about your network.

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