Course Preview

Course Details

What You’ll Learn

  • This coaching series consists of 4 modules that will educate you on the networking skills and knowledge needed to build meaningful relationships with connections in order to tap into the hidden job market and enhance your job search:

    Module 1: Learn to Develop a Networking Mindset & Habits for an Effective Job Search

    Module 2: What Exactly is Your Sphere of Influence & What Can It Do for Your Job Search?

    Module 3: 4 Strategies to Connect & Reconnect with Connections for a Better Job Search

    Module 4: Nail Your Job Search with These 9 Networking Goals

  • You will gain access to networking tips and secrets, tools and resources, and a career roadmap full of successful techniques used by thousands of people to get a job through networking.
  • Following each module are actionable steps and processes to enhance and implement what you have learned – and will take your network to the next level!
  • Enroll today and immerse yourself in learning more about the art and science of networking to help you gain a career … not just a job.

Who It’s For

  • Job Seekers and Career Changers
  • Business Managers and Executives
  • Career Resource Professionals
  • Human Resource Professionals and Recruiters
  • Undergraduate or Graduate Students
  • Everyone!
Price: $99.00
Value: $20,000.00