Clever Ways to Create Connections as an Introvert

Do you consider yourself an introvert?

If you do, networking may not come as naturally to you as it does to others. But this should not hold you back from building relationships.

Whether you are introverted or shy or just not comfortable walking up to strangers and striking up a conversation, there are strategies you can implement to make it easier.

Learn how to make networking work for you! Here are a few clever ways to hone your skills for creating spontaneous interactions with people that will help you forge meaningful connections.

Know your strengths

You must take the time to evaluate your strengths and what energizes you, then leverage this to form better relationships. For example, do you feel introverted when in a large group, but not as reserved when it’s just a few of you? Try setting up one-on-one meetings or small gatherings when you can, where you may be more successful in developing rapport with someone. Remember that your relationships are about quality – not quantity!

Focus on value

When you realize how valuable your skills and experience can be to others you become more confident when engaging in discussions. Networking is about creating mutually beneficial connections, it’s not necessarily focused on what people can do for you. And knowing the worth you could potentially provide helps you feel self-assured and more comfortable when building relationships.

Prepare ahead of time

Before a meeting or networking event have a few conversation starters in your back pocket, read about current hot topics or news that may be addressed, and be prepared with ways to successfully end a discussion. Do research about who you are meeting with, other event attendees, speakers, and the venue. The more info you have ahead of time makes it easier to approach people and helps to improve your comfort and confidence levels.

Plan your position

Physically put yourself in a place so people come your way. For instance, hanging by the bar at a conference or event offers the potential for interactions since almost everyone needs a drink at some point. Or stand in line for food or the bathroom — this is a great excuse to be near someone and engage in small talk! Plus, if you happen to be at the end of the line this gives you a quick and graceful out (if it happens to be needed).

Have a wingman

You may feel awkward having to introduce yourself to others. Think about bringing your own networking co-pilot with you! A good wingman will approach individuals on your behalf and break the ice for you, and help you join in on the discussion. Having one could be a real game-changer.

Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert or perhaps an ambivert there are many things you can do to make the networking process easier. And these tips will put you on the right path to creating connections that are significant — and will have a positive impact on your spheres of influence!